well, this morning i missed another exam, but i had the cutest dream ever. well i was with some beautiful kids i know in a train and than we landed in a really big epoque house like the ones in gossip girl and i was messing around with someone and i felt really guilty 'cause i felt the other kids looking not so nice at me and being disappointed and i was thinking that i don't do the same mistakes again what the hell... i really don't and then a girl announced that a boy would get married to a girl i didn't like but she talked to me like it was really a joke and i was kinda relieved but then everyone was crowding around him and started congratulating him and i thought what if that's true and i became really sad and when i looked at his face i saw no emotions he just looked at me and it kinda was painful but thank god i woke up in a garden and i wondered around until a subway cafe where i met that first friend and told me the other kids were coming and i was so happy that the first frame was just a dream and i was so fucking happy with them all smiling and having fun and then the guy supposed to get married came along and he laughed so hard when i told him what i had dreamed and then i woke up again in a beautiful pair of arms in my college class and i could most certainly recognize that person 'cause it's a kid close to my taste and i decided not to tell the dream again just to sit and shut the hell up and then i felt my breathing evening and it felt nice as the sun was shining on my face across the big windows and then i finally woke up in my bed. but i think it's a subconscious riot of my ego :)


Cumpatata in aproape toate privintele vietii, femeia Balanta are momente in care trebuie sa compenseze aceasta rationalitate exagerata. Unul dintre ele este atunci cand intra in bucatarie. Un altul ar fi atunci cand se afla in pat.Din aceste motive, amantul ideal trebuie sa fie bucatar, amator sau profesionist(vegan preferably :D). Daca nu se poate, atunci trebuie sa aiba o meserie exotica, si totusi disciplinata: profesor de latina, arheolog sau bibliotecar.